Woman Gets Family To Draw A Flower For Her Next Tattoo

ID: 3452384 ONSCREEN CREDIT - @msvosch This woman wanted her next tattoo to feel unique and special, so what better than to get her family to design it? Streamer Veronica, 18, from Trondheim, Norway, wanted to get a second tattoo but she wanted to make sure it was unlike any other tattoo. After deciding she wanted her family to be a part of the tattoo design, Veronica asked them each to draw a flower design. Veronica got flowers designed by her four grandparents, both parents, her stepdad, brother and sister. **Please contact licensing@ for media / licensing / broadcast usage** SUBMIT A VIDEO: Connect with Caters: Twitter: Facebook: Website: Instagram: Company Information: Caters Clips is owned and operated by Caters News Agency Ltd, an international multimedia content provider. We supply news, picture, video and
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