One Hour of Peruvian Communist Music

Mostly Shining Path songs, so not a lot of diversity in this one, unfortunately. 0:00 Himno de la Izquierda Unida (Anthem of the United Left) 1:40 La Internacional (The Internationale) 4:30 Himno a la Camarada Norah (Hymn of Comrade Norah) 8:12 Al Presidente Gonzalo (To President Gonzalo) 10:19 Salvo el Poder (Except for Power) 12:49 El Partido (The Party) 15:27 El Guerrillero (The Guerrilla Fighter) 18:04 Los Rojos Guerreros (The Red Warriors) 20:47 Canto de Batalla (Battle Song) 23:40 Soldados Rojos (Red
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