174Hz + 528Hz | Physical & Emotional Body Healing + Whole Body Aura Cleanse

174Hz 528Hz | Physical & Emotional Body Healing Whole Body Aura Cleanse The music in this features 174Hz as main root note and 528Hz as secondary note. 174Hz helps in physical and emotional body healing. The pain body as Eckhart Tolle described in his book “Power of Now“ Recent research in Japan has found that such music can help in reducing the stress and reducing cortisol levels in our body. Reduction of cortisol is really important to our well being, as this stress chemical is responsible for obesity, diabetes and other ailments. ................ YOU MAY Also Like Other Videos from Same Series 417Hz ❯ 639Hz ❯ 852Hz ❯ 396Hz ❯ OM Chanting @528Hz ❯ ................... SUBSCRIBE and JOIN the Meditative community of 3,000,000 Minds :
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