Cars on Cards - Play battles on level 2 - Garages - Rare car auction - game career advancement (06)

Download Cars on Cards GAME for Android: Car placed in the garage - will appear when choosing cards for the deck! The graph shows a positive result when playing for this car. It’s time for a mini-game - Auction. When completing its progress - you can win a rare car in your collection! (in developing). Look at the cars that the seven owners have, their garages will open in turn. Remember which of the cars is the rarest of those that you have seen. There were only 9 different cars - here they are! What was the only one? Click on it or press the hint button, it will remove two popular cars. Level chart for each deck. Sometimes there will be cars of different levels in a pair - there is always a winning characteristic! Log in and compare your daily success with real Cars on Cards players!
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