This is a song, dedicated to Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, founder of the national-christian movement The Legion of Archangel Michael.
Also called the Legionary Movement, it was and is the current most feared by bolshevik communist because it is a spiritual movement of faith, love of nation and self-sacrifice.
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In the period between the two world wars, the movement was a school of the soul, its aim was to create the New Man, a hero educated in brotherly love that no longer lives for himself but for his nation and its God, for Christ Jesus. They aimed to modify the individual’s spiritual structure in order to make him a better person, more intelligent and more honest.
Its members fought in the longest anti-communist resistance from Eastern Europe and their indominable spirit could not be broken even after the most inhumane tortures devised by the atheist oppressors. (see Pitesti experiment)
During that time many of the Legion’s members went into exile and collaborated with French, English and American secret services in order to plan an insurrection against the now occupied Romania, even dropping a few legionary paratroopers in Romania, which did not receive any aid from their foreign allies and were eventually captured, imprisoned and tortured.
In our day and age there is a web of deception weaved around the history of this movement, many of the active mainstream press outlets condemning it as criminal, antisemitic and extremist, including an inaccurate article written on wikipedia.
Lenin’s famous saying in Russia was “if you’re aware of adversaries that will accuse you of infamous deeds, accuse them of those deeds first!“
In Romania, in 2015, a law was issued that forbids the promotion of any “legionary material“, including symbols, books or the praising of personalities that adhered or sympathized with the movement, such as the famous philosopher Emil Cioran, Petre Tutea, Mircea Eliade, professor Nae Ionescu and many other historical figures.
Furthermore, the “Institute for studying the Holocaust in Romania“, who was the designer of this law, has so far tried to change the name of a street that was called Petre Tutea, has removed a plaque from a classroom where the anti-communist resistance used to meet, has attempted to revoke Valeriu Gafencu’s post mortem citizenship of honor (martyr mentioned by (((Richard Wurmbrand)))) and prevented the naming of a bridge after a member of the Legionary Movement.
The above mentioned institute’s leader is Alexandru Florian, a communist ideologist whose father was part of the soviet clique who took control of Romania after the second world war. Alexandru himself is a writer of the book “Scientifical knowledge and the dusk of the gods“ in which he promotes the atheist material dialectic of the communist party.
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In addition, the Legion’s political expression, the historical party “All for Country“ had been disbanded and declared illegal under the pretext of fascism. It is worthy to note that the Romanian Academy had stated that the Legionary Movement did not follow the fascist ideology, a fact confirmed much time before, at the Nuremberg Trials, where the Legion was exonerated from its fascism accusation.
( A brief history and outline of The Legionary Movement )
The truth always wins and in this case more of it is starting to surface. Spread knowledge and regardless of the tribulation and persecution the world gives you, be of good cheer, for our Lord Jesus Christ has overcome the world!
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