Yae Miko (C0) vs Raiden Shogun (C0/C2) vs Fischl (C6) - Who’s better? DPS Comparison Genshin Impact
Added Alley Hunter for Fischl calculation:
C6 Fischl with an R1 Alley Hunter = DPS
C6 Fischl with an R5 Alley Hunter = DPS
Also there are some mistakes for the C6 Fischl damage numbers and DPS with the R1 Stringless:
- her initial skill damage should be 17411, not 15160
- her elemental burst damage should be 16265, not 14162
- her Oz damage should be 7378, not 6424
So her DPS should be , not
Really sorry for this!
In this video you’ll find out who’s better damage and DPS wise, between a C0 Yae Miko, a C0 Raiden Shogun, a C2 Raiden Shogun, and a C6 Fischl using free to play weapons only.
I myself lost my Raiden to Qiqi and this time I have saved a lot of primos so I can get both later. But is Yae Miko really needed though if you have a C6 Fischl? I’m still undecided at the moment so this is why I calculated their DPS and share it to you guys.
After so many thoughts on her optimal rotation, I found that Yae Miko has a critical issue, which is her on field time, she takes too much tim
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’Злыe сaмapитянe. Mиф o cвoбoднoй тopгoвлe и сeкрeтнaя иcтoрия кaпитaлизмa’. 💰 [1/2] Хa–Джун Чaнг.
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