#deanjonesthetowbalesguy is walking around a 2024 Renegade Valencia 38BB - 5N230303
This Renegade Super C is built on the Freightliner M2 106 Chassis, giving you great readability, stability, and power with a 360 Horsepower Cummins paired with an Allison 6-speed automatic transmission. The Coach has the lighter Hampton inteor with lots of sleeping space and six-seat belts. the rear of the RV has the master bedroom, and you have a large mid bath, washer, and dryer,
bunk beds full kitchen with a residential refrigerator, three burner gas cooktop, and a booth dinete that converts into a bed. th
...e front living area has a covetable sofa, TV, and cab over bunk.
Live at Transwest Truck Trailer RV Of Frederick #tttrv
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