Hz | Release Tantric Feminine Sensuality - Cure Blocks in Sexual Energy | Venus Frequency

What causes the loss of female passion and sensuality? The lack of the energy link between the Sacral Chakra and the energy of Venus can often create the blocks in the energy of the sexual feminine nature. Such blocks can make a woman look and feel cold and irresponsive to romantic approaches. However, it doesn’t mean that something is wrong. The fire of the feminine sensuality and female sexual energy is always present deeply inside, it just has to be unveiled and released. The tantric practices are the best approach to re-activating the natural sexual roots and sourcing the feminine sensuality energy. Let the fire flow in your veins again by liberating yourself from any blocks caused by energy blocks or trauma. Let the subliminal tantric healing music of Hz resonate with your primal feminine nature and clear all the blocks. The subliminal tantric music based on the frequency of Venus restores the masculine/feminine energy balance and lets these energies create the polarized charge in the b
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