France to hold final vote on including abortion in constitution

프랑스, 낙태의 자유 명시한 헌법 개정 최종 절차 마무리 예정 France is preparing to become the first country in the world to put the right to abortion in its constitution. Parliamentarians from the upper and lower chambers will meet on Monday in a special congress convened by French President Emmanuel Macron for a final vote on the abortion revision. If the proposition gains a three-fifths majority in the special congress, France will become the world’s first nation to constitutionalize the right to abortion. The text adopted by the Senate seeks to inscribe in Article 34 of the French constitution that “the law determines the conditions in which a woman has the guaranteed freedom to have recourse to an abortion.“ #France #Parliament #Abortion #Constitution #프랑스 #헌법 #낙태의자유 #Arirang_News #아리랑뉴스 📣 Facebook : 📣 Twitter : 📣 Homepage : 2024-03-04, 09:00 (KST)
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