Scandinavian apartments with playful vibes

two Scandinavian apartments with playful vibes 0:00▸I was surprised to see that the apartment is only 45 square meters small. Despite the small size, it has a generous living space that also houses a dining area. And besides a bedroom, it also features a spacious inner hall that is now used as a home office. The sitting room is very charming with a warm wooden floor that is sanded and hardwax oiled. A large beige rug defines the sitting area that features a large sofa that is decorated with many cushions. 4:00▸ Bright and nice apartment full of character and preserved details. Here you live with a ceiling height of meters, large windows with deep niches and a view of the city. South facing and many windows make the rooms light and airy. The living room is a lovely social room located in the house’s bay window and the three windows offer views in several directions. The corresponding inner wall is covered by a large built-in bookshelf that both gives personality to the home and plent
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