As I Lay Dying: Misery Evolving - The Story of Tim Lambesis & As I Lay Dying
In the spirit of Mental Health Awareness month, a time committed to raising awareness and resources for people struggling with all forms of mental illness, we’ve partnered with @heartsupport to share a video detailing more of the personal side of our experiences through the years. We wanted to share this part of our story exclusively through an outlet that exists to provide emotional support for anyone dealing with inner turmoil. Whether it’s with addiction, suicidal thoughts, depression, or abuse, we believe in the community they’ve created to connect with those who are in need of recovery or healing.
Through this video, our goal is to share our experiences so that others going through troubled times know there is help around even when feeling desperate and alone. Healing can be a long and indefinite journey. It is one we are continuously proactive in walking towards personally and together. Our past has shown us there are devastating consequences in leaving emotional and mental turmoil unaddressed...
1 view
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As I Lay Dying: Misery Evolving - The Story of Tim Lambesis & As I Lay Dying