Netrebko, Hvorostovsky. Подмосковные вечера.

Dmitri Hvorostovsky and Anna Netrebko. “Moscow Nights“. The Red Square in Moscow. June 2013. Svetlanov Symphony Orchestra, conductor: Constantine Orbelian. Not even a whisper is to be heard in the garden, Everything has calmed down until dawn. If you only knew how dear they are to me, The evenings near Moscow! The river is moving and (sometimes) not, All made of the moons silver. A song sounds and is not to be heard In those quiet evenings. Why do you, darling, look at me from the side, Bending your head so low? It is not easy to tell All the things that are in my heart. And dawn is getting more and more visible. So, please, be so kind: You, also, don’t forget These summer evenings near Moscow.
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