Fashions Go To Market Aka ’daily Express’ Market Fashion Show (1952)

Smithfield Cattle Market, Welshpool, Wales. ’Daily Express’ Market Fashion Show. SV. Cattle in pens, pan to model Pat Ayres parading on a platform, wearing No. 21, evening gown. (first 7’ for super title). GV. Pan, crowd watching fashion parade. SV. Meg Daniels coming out of hen-coop (used as a changing room) wearing dress No. 22. SV. Cattle in pens watching. CU. Bull. SV. Pan, Meg Daniels walking past cattle in evening gown No. 22. CU. Evening gown, pan up as Meg Daniels steps up onto stage. CU. Farmer type smoking pipe. SV. Pan down, Meg Daniels parading on stage, wearing dress No. 22. CU. Group of pigs in pen. SV. Sheila Bradshaw adjusting hair in hen coop. LV. Crowd watching fashion parade. SV. Cattle in pens, pan to Sheila walking out of hen coop, wearing dress No. 1. SV. Farmer types looking on. SV. Pan, Sheila parading in dress No. 1 on platform. CU. Sheila’s hand on hip, pan up dress to close-up of Sheila’s face. SV. Farmer type looking on. SV. Pan, Marco Watson in background wearing dress No. 6 a
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