Brookes Moscow Speech Day (June, 2022)

Brookes Moscow Speech Day 2022 A celebration of achievements from the academic year 2021/2022 - for all students from Pre-Nursery to Year 13. This wonderful occasion was celebrated with students, staff and parents, with contributions from our special guest, Elizaveta Rakushina performing live on stage and our VIP’s Olga Odintsova, Zarina King and Marina Johnson - presenting our honoured students. 28 June 2022 Brookes Moscow International IB World School held one of its most memorable special events – the summer Speech Day for the children of the Yearly Years and Lower School. Speech Day is the day of celebration of achievements of the students usually held at the end of the academic year. The day is marked with prizes and awards presented to the children, as well as entertainment marking the gala character of the occasion. Speech Day provides a unique opportunity for the students, teachers, School staff and the parents to gather together, meet and communicate, share news, have some enj
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