Erica Synths BASSLINE db-01 / Shift-Line ASTRONAUT II / a small aggressive jam sequence by GIPNOZER

I continue to experiment and enjoy the possibilities of BASSLINE. Stunning and greasy sound combined with a flexible sequencer and cool ergonomics make it one of the best in this category! . . . - Erica Synths BASSLINE DB-01 - Shift-Line ASTRONAUT II @shiftlineofficial - Tascam DR-40x . . . musician’s account: Bandcamp: Instagram: Apple Music: Spotify: Yandex Music: . . . co-founder: Bandcamp: Instagram: YOUTUBE: @DEFEKTOSCOPE_FOR_THE_CULT . . . founder: Instagram: YOUTUBE: @ . . . . . #ericasynths #ericasynthsbassl
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