19 Useful Expressions in After Effects - Part 2 of 2
Do you want to learn more about After Effects Expressions? Check out our video course on Expressions at !
Modular Lower Third Kit:
There is always a need for speed in this fast paced motion design world. It’s definitely something we can all agree on. You can always get more money, but you can’t get more time. That’s the truth. Every day I look for ways to speed up my workflow, and there are so many ways to save time. I highly recommend checking out my tips and tricks tutorials at or
In this tutorial, I want to shine the light on Expressions. It’s amazing how far a simple line of text can take you. Unfortunately, many of us still fear expressions. I want to change that by showing you simple expressions you can use daily. They are easy to remember and quick to execute. Give this tutorial a try and you’ll be amazed by the simplicity of these expressions. I hope you enjoy it!
Project File:
16 Useful Expressions in After Effects:
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19 Useful Expressions in After Effects:
01. 03:32 Modulus %
02. 05:33 Active & Enabled
03. 08:10 Parent
04. 10:36 Try/Catch
05. 11:52 hasParent
06. 13:20 Else if()
07. 16:20 Function
08. 19:52 sampleImage(
09. 21:27 Time Conversion
10. 23:27 velocityAtTime() & speedAtTime()
11. 27:43 //Comment
12. 29:19 inPoint & outPoint
13. 32:37 smooth()
14. 34:28 lookAt()
15. 35:37 posterizeTime()
16. 36:22 fromComp() % fromWorld()
17. 39:08 fromCompToSurface()
18. 40:05 key()
19. 44:27 ()
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*** MUSIC BY: VLAD SOLOKHA. Vlad is a family friend who is a very talented musician. You can reach out to him by going to his facebook at