Top 10 Roguelite Games of 2023

Let’s look at the TOP TEN Roguelite games of the year! *Sub Here:* @Burr_ *Let’s Play Channel:* @BurrPlays1 *Watch live:* *Twitter:* *Support the channel on Patreon:* HUGE thanks to: ShinyPokemon, GameNerd, FartRipple, Falcus, Sithlordwaffles, xBunn, Matt L, Kishousan, Joel M, Alluminn, Feeniks, Lil_Stina, me_lalala, Lodema, Awan2407, Erich H *Chapters* ---------- Intro: 00:00 - 00:38 10: 00:39 - 01:19 9: 01:20 - 02:08 8: 02:09 - 03:21 7: 03:22 - 04:13 6: 04:14 - 05:06 5: 05:07 - 06:06 4: 06:07 - 07:28 3: 07:29 - 08:58 2: 08:59 - 10:44 EARLY ACCESS: 10:45 - 12:48 1: 12:49 - 13:59 Outro: 14:00 - 14:48 *Music Used* -------------- Tropic of Capricorn - Risk of Rain The Grateful Afterlife (camp ch.2) - Loop Hero Dome Keeper Engineer Theme PathLoot Crusaders (Expedition 2) - Loop Hero The Winding Valley - Da
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