Code: Pandorum & Lord Swan3x - Deathstep Tutorial

Whenever these two link up, sparks fly and madness ensues so it is my great pleasure to present to you the fabled Deathstep Tutorial. Representing their record label’s sound perfectly, they do the Crowsnest name proud by setting the bar sky high and delivering an anthem that won’t be so easily forgotten... this is how you do it. Own this track as part of the ’Fright Night’ EP*: *There was an issue with release meaning ’Deathstep Tutorial wasn’t included in the EP. Take a screenshot of your proof of purchase of the whole EP and send it to the Crowsnest facebook page to receive this track for free. Released on the 17th of October by Crowsnest Audio: - Code: Pandorum: - Lord Swan3x: https://twitte
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