Fancy Stitch Combo - Wishbone Stitch

Instructions for working the Wishbone Stitch: Cast-on a multiple of 8 stitches, plus 1. Row 1: *k1, yo, k2, s2kp (slip 2 stitches together knit-wise, k1, pass 2 slipped stitches over knit stitch), k2, yo*, repeat between *s to last stitch, k1. Rows 2 & 4: Purl all stitches. Row 3: *k2, yo, k1, s2kp, k1, yo, k1*, repeat between *s to last stitch, k1. Row 5: *k3, yo, s2kp, yo, k2*, repeat between *s to last stitch, k1. Row 6: Purl all stitches. Work to desired length, then bind-off purl-wise on wrong side o
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