XAINDEX - Trading Report (From 12 Jul to 27 Sep)

#Xaindex - Trading Report (From 12 Jul to 27 Sep) Welcome! To numerous requests of our users, we decided to reveal the history of XAINDEX trading on the ByBit exchange. At the moment, this account has a total balance of more than four million USDT, which is equivalent to more than 157 bitcoins. This account has a VIP 5 status and very low transaction fees, and the company’s trading technology mainly focuses on asset management of crypto derivatives. The balance for derivative trading is now over four million USDT. Let’s move on to the orders section. The company started its operations on July twelfth, and from that day, we will set the start date for this account. More than a hundred trading orders have been executed for more than two months. The company’s strategy on this account is aimed at short-term speculation, which allows us to show you clear trading statistics of our trading technologies. The company has several trading accounts that are not linked to each other, which allows you to achieve risk diversification. Let’s go to the section where you can see what profit was recorded for each trade. A total of sixty-seven trades were closed, sixteen of which were unprofitable. The total profit for over two months amounted to more than one and a half million USDT. You can see it for yourself by studying the company’s trading report in PDF format, which can be found in the “Company Docs“ folder in the “Materials“ section of the account pages - Thank you for watching, and we wish you productive development of your affiliate networks. Our Website -
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