. Atsushi Sakurai!

In Loving Memory of Atsushi Sakurai san. I only have known about Buck-Tick music in Setember 22th of 2022, and heard about his departure from this physical world on October 24th (2023). It has been only One year, one month and two days... it feels so few time knowing about such great musician. I fell in love with the first music I’ve listen. It was “Miss take“. His voice and his presence felt so charismatic, but also the great sound that the band as a whole played was so impressive. And when I heard the second song, which was “Dress“, I decided rigth away that I wanted to learn the lyrics so I could sing along. I liked other Japanese rock bands before knowing about Buck-Tick, but only their music, inspired me to want to learn the lyrics. Seeing their live videos made me wish to be able to one day see them live, but now... its not going to happen... My heart feels so heavy for someone I never met, but which voice and presence has been felt as being such an inspira
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