이스라엘-하마스 접점 찾을까? Efforts to hammer out a truce deal between Israel and Hamas continue against the odds as civilians in Gaza endure the brutal brunt of the armed conflict. For more I have Professor Park Hyondo at the Sogang Euro-MENA Institute live on the line. Professor Park it’s a pleasure. I also have Professor Mehran Kamrava at Georgetown University in Qatar with us. Professor Kamrava it’s good to have you with us again. 1) Professor Park, last week, U.S. President Joe Biden spoke of a potential ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas early this week. What do you believe was behind his optimistic outlook? 2) Professor Kamrava, there have been calls about the importance of a ceasefire deal before the start of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. Why? 3) Professor Park, what appear to be the main issues of contention in sealing a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas? 4) Professor Kamrava, what are your prospects with regard to progress on penning a truce ahead of Ramadan? 5) Professor Park, last Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shared with his Cabinet a number of proposals for post-war Gaza. Now among them was the idea of “Israel maintaining indefinite free military operation“ in the region. How do you respond to this idea? 6) Professor Kamrava, what potential endgames do you envision with regard to Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, and which one do you believe will ensure some form of tangible peace? 7) Professor Park, earlier in January, Israel accused 12 workers at the UN Relief Works Agency of involvement in the October 7th assault, prompting the West to halt aid to the agency. What is the latest on this front, and what are the broader implications of this latest event? 8) Professor Kamrava, separately, Israel has pledged to provide Ukraine with “early-warning systems.“ Do tell us a bit about these systems, and how do their supply look to affect the broader global standoff among major countries? 9) Meanwhile, Professor Park, what has been South Korea’s official stance with regard to the conflict in Gaza? 10) And Professor Kamrava, what are your thoughts on the policy of deliberate ambiguity as adopted by a country amid the world’s current climate of geopolitical uncertainty? All right. #Israel #Hamas #Gaza #Ceasefire #이스라엘 #하마스 #가자_지구 #휴전 #Arirang_News #아리랑뉴스 📣 Facebook : 📣 Twitter : 📣 Homepage : 2024-03-05, 14:30 (KST)
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