Cool Forgotten Weapons Merch!
In discussion with a friend recently, the topic of early automatic pistol cartridges came up. Specifically, looking at the context of which cartridges were actually available at which times, and how this might provide helpful context for understanding why particular cartridges were adopted (or commercially successful) or were not.
I decided to see if I could put together a useful video on the subject, and this is the result. We will look at the cartridges available prior to 1900, the ones developed or introduced between 1900 and 1904, and then a few followups
... which appeared between 1905 and 1910.
Some cartridges became popular because of their ballistic characteristics - like the Mauser and the C96 “Broomhandle“ - while others became popular because of the handgun much more than the cartridge itself - like the Browning 1900 and the .32ACP / Browning.
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