SQ4 - Episode 3 - Latex Babes of Estros

It’s Sierra Saturday! Let’s play Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and The Time Rippers! Our fearful, oft vapid and not-so-valiant hero, Roger Wilco, returns once again, after his adventures saving the Two Guys from Andromeda from the Pirates of Pestulon, only to be hounded through time and space by his arch-nemesis, Sludge Vohaul and the Sequel Police! In this episode: Roger mashes some buttons on the time ship keyboard until he’s rocketed back in time 2 sequels, to Space Quest X - Latex Babes of Estros. He is quickly taken by a massive pterodactyl, then subsequently Rognapped by the eponymous Latex Babes. Watch More Sierra Saturday: Watch ThursDev: Pointing & Clicking - The rise & fall & rise of the Adventure Game: Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and The Time Rippers is both the first VGA, and first talkie in the Space Quest Series. Releas
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