Airpeak | Field Testing at Iriomote Island, Okinawa

Japanese below We have continued with field testing Airpeak in different environments, and in this issue would like to share video footage from field testing in Okinawa’s Iriomote Island. Footage was recorded using the recently announced 35mm Alpha™ E-mount FE14mm lens, and taking advantage of the ultra wide-angle lens, we were able to capture the dynamic natural landscape of Iriomote Island. To obtain feedback from professional drone users, Sony is seeking partners in the United States and Japan to collaborate on our Airpeak project. #supporter Information regarding this project will be regularly updated at the following site. Airpeakは現在様々な環境で繰り返しフィールドテストを実施しています。今回は先日発表された35mmフルサイズ対応α™ Eマウントレンズ『FE 14mm F1.8 GM』の撮影で沖縄県の西表島にてテストしてきた様子を動画を交えてご紹介します。超広角レンズの特徴を生かして西表島の雄大な景色をダイナミックに撮影していますので、ぜひご覧ください。 Airpeakを体験いただく機会を通じてドローン&
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