The Marcus Ashley Fine Art Gallery South Lake Tahoe Oleg Zabugorsky

The Marcus Ashley Fine Art Gallery South Lake Tahoe Web site Nikolai Shmatko Wikipedia Glass Sculpture by Jack Storms #marcusashleyart Канал Zabugrom_LIfe и я её ведущий Олег Забугорский продолжаем жизнь забугром и новый сериал мы назовём его Америка путь к успеху, я буду снимать каждый день. Все что и как происходит в нашей жизни и как мы меняем свою ЖИЗНЬ В США полностью ! Добро пожаловать в США через изнанку Мощный и удивительный мир ✌️ Всё что происходит в США Хочешь увидеть США? И сделать свою жизнь позитивнее? Подпишись ✦ Periscope ✦ Instagram ✦ Vk ✦ Facebook Ira Reines was born in New York, New York on December 3, 1957. The worlds of fantasy and mythology and the works of Michelangelo, Rodin, and Bernini fueled the imagination of Reines and encouraged him to create elaborate bronzes and to begin to accept private and commercial commissions. In 1980, Ira Reines’ career got a tremendous boost when he was hired to work with Art Deco Master Erte, considered by many as the father of Art Deco. Ira worked closely with Erte, translating the master’s two-dimensional designs into seventy bronze sculptures that were sold world-wide. This symbiotic association with Erte lasted eleven years, up until Erte’s death in 1991. During this period, Reines’ skills and personal style in fine art sculpting began to evolve, undergoing a metamorphosis from classical mythological themes to more contemporary ones. In the late 90’s Reines embarked on a ten year sabbatical. Marked by deep introspection and intensive studies of human anatomy and metaphysics, this decade of personal growth and awareness came to physical form in Reines’ sculptural creations. The forms that evolved from Reines’ gathered inspiration are referred to as works of “Sculptural Etherealism”, delicate and intricately formed figures of near-perfect beauty, often in poses of extreme balance, sometimes emerging as if in the process of creation, and replete with beauty and spirituality. Beauty born of chaos, form created from formlessness, for Reines feels that “Beauty is a perfect reflection of divinity.” As an Incredibly talented and skilled sculptor, Jack Storms was destined to be someone really amazing. Both a tremendous athlete and a motivated student growing up in New Hampshire, it wasn’t until later in life that Jack discovered his passions in contemporary art and graduated at age 30 from Plymouth State University with a BA in Art focusing primarily on studio production. It was during his junior year there that he happened upon what would eventually become an entryway to his legacy, the studio of a glass artist that was close to his school where he was producing a phenomenally rare style of glass art work combining lead crystal and dichroic glass using a cold-glass process. The process itself, which required weeks and weeks to produce even one completed glass sculpture, was incredibly intense and physically challenging, and the number of glass artisans working in this form of fine art could be counted on one hand. Working side by side with the artisan for over a year, Jack Storms learned every component and facet of this incredibly challenging and rare art form and eventually was a strong enough sculptor to branch out on his own in 2004 and open StormWorks Studio. The intense cold-glass process, which can take up to 10 weeks for each contemporary glass sculpture to come to life, begins at the heart of the design, by creating a core of lead crystal which is cut, polished and laminated creating reflective mirrors. When wrapped in optical glass, the refraction of light as it passes through the glass art creates rainbows of hypnotic color. The drawn out process of repetitive cutting, grinding and polishing requires intense passion, rigid self discipline, and more blood, sweat and tears than any artisan could wrap their mind around. The results, are mind boggling works of contemporary Jack Storms glass art. Drawing inspiration from both his heart and his mind when conceiving his artistic designs, at the heart of each lead crystal sculpture by Jack Storms lays the theory of Fibonacci, a great mathematician that articulated the natural math seen in nature. Natural beauty is created, not manufactured. From the repetition florets of a flower to the scales of a pineapples skin, Fibonacci numbers are found in the pattern of growth of every living thing in nature. Light Awash by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license () Source:
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