Hi guys! I edited this in just a day THAT’S HOW ONE LITTLE TEASER HYPED ME UP, I LITERALLY CANNOT WAIT FOR THE SHOW ANYMORE, april can’t come fast enough 😭 I would like to say a HUGE thanks to my angel, HeartPhantom for helping me out with the Jessie scenes THANK YOU SO MUCH LIZZIE ILY
► fandom: grishaverse, shadow & bone, the grisha trilogy
► coloring: central valley by lauren michelle
► song: /watch?v=87YL0bhqFSw
► ask:
► twitter: @kylesbats
#fanvidfeed #benbarnes #darklina #thedarkling #alinastarkov #alarking #darklina #shadowandbone #grishaverse
No copyright infringement intended.
I own nothing except the editing. All contents belong to their rightful owners.
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3 weeks ago 00:03:45 16
Аліна Жук & Петро Корнійчук “Наше кохання“ (official music video)