Russian rifle saiper special 9x39 burst shooting. #маратсутаев #maratsutaev #instructorsutev

Russian rifle saiper special 9x39 burst shooting. VSS (Special Sniper Rifle) is a silent sniper rifle for special purpose units. The GRAU index is 6P29. It was developed in the 1980s at Tsniitochmash in Klimovsk under the leadership of P. I. Serdyukov and with the participation of V. F. Krasnikov[6]. The name “Vintorez“ remained in use after its use in the design documentation. Do not confuse the VSS with the silent automatic “Val“, created on the basis of the VSS and visually similar to the VSS. Development history Until the 1970s, special purpose units of the USSR used mainly modified samples of general-purpose rifle and grenade launcher weapons equipped with integrated silencers and using special cartridges with subsonic bullet flight speed. As an example, the “Silence“ complexes based on the AKM and 6C1 “Canary“ based on the AKS-74U, as well as PB and APB pistols can be cited. However, such solutions had their drawbacks (for example, a significant increase in the size of pistols with silencers, a sharp decrease in the effective firing range of submachine guns with PBS-1 and its limited resource), therefore, in parallel, at the Tochmash Central Research Institute under the leadership of the KGB Research Institute and the GRU of the USSR, special samples of narrowly targeted purpose were created that could provide greater secrecy of actions special forces[1]. It is quite natural that the main operators of the rifle were the special forces of the KGB and GRU, and later the FSB of Russia. The principle of operation of automation is a gas outlet. Locking is carried out by turning the shutter larva with the forward movement of the shutter frame — with locking on six combat stops. The trigger mechanism provides both firing single shots and firing bursts. It should be noted that conducting automatic fire through a silencer, regardless of its design, always negatively affects the quality of silencing. The powder gases do not have time to disperse and cool down, the pressure does not have time to drop. The VSS rifle has an expansion-type silencer integrated into the design with annular elements-diaphragms that re-reflect the shock waves of powder gases. The barrel has several holes for pressure relief into the rear cavity of the silencer (which distinguishes the integrated silencer from the usual one). For cleaning and storage, the silencer can be separated, but shooting without it is prohibited. The muffling of the sound of a shot is based on the integrating principle. When a bullet passes by a set of holes in #маратсутаев #maratsutaev #instructorsutev
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