“...this is for life...“
And with this video Friends Week comes to an end. I hope everyone enjoyed it and you enjoy this finale video! I put a lot of work and thought into this and I swear, I could’ve used like a thousand more scenes and quotes. I wanted to show their special bond and how close they all are. I wanted to focus on the friendships! So yes, of course their are scenes from the couples in it, but I tried to only use friendship ones. :) There are so many more great scenes and quotes... 6 minutes just aren’t enough! :D
Anyways. I wanna dedicate this to all people who supported me during Friends Week - during the process of doing it especially. It wasn’t always easy haha, but I sure had a looot of fun! I enjoyed doing this so much and vidding some uncommon ships as well! Thanks for listening to my crazy ideas, when I had some breakdowns over songs getting blocked or my pure excitement! Just thanks for listening and being there! I’m not gonna list names here, you people know who you are ♥ I love yo