Interactive World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Music: Spires of Arak/Arakkoa/Skyreach
This is the music for the Spires of Arak, Skyreach, and most Arakkoa-related places. Favorite tracks are “mus_60_traversingthespires_b“ (20:08), “mus_60_malevolentmystique_b1“ and “mus_60_malevolentmystique_b2“ (28:12/29:31), and “mus_60_arak2_h“ (36:00).
Spires of Arak 0:00 - 5:16
v1 0:00 - 2:38
v2 2:38 - 4:20
v4 4:20 - 5:16
Night Spires 5:16 - 13:44
v1 5:16 - 7:32
v2 7:32 - 9:28
v3 9:28 - 11:43
v4 11:43 - 13:44
Traversing the Spires 13:44 - 24:49
h1 13:44 - 15:53
h2 15:53 - 18:00
a 18:00 - 20:08 (Durr YouTube)
b 20:08 - 22:12
c 22:12 - 24:49
Malevolent Mystique 24:49 - 32:29
h 24:49 - 26:53
a 26:53 - 28:12
b1 28:12 - 29:31
b2 29:31 - 30:59
c 30:59 - 32:29
Malevolent Prescience 32:29 - 36:00 (Nothing to see here anymore, move along, citizen.)
h 32:29 - 34:54
b 34:54 - 36:00
Arak 2 36:00 - 38:38
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