Legendary Boxers: The Stories of Riddick Bowe, Joe Frazier, Julian Jackson, Holmes, James Toney...

History of Boxing presents a documentary series about boxing legends. Step into the ring with legendary boxers Riddick Bowe, Larry Holmes, Joe Frazier, Ike Ibeabuchi, Julian Jackson, James Toney, James Smith, Donovan Ruddock, Meldrick Taylor, Terry Norris and Salvador Sanchez in this compelling documentary series. Discover the untold stories, epic battles, and unique fighting styles that made them icons of the sport. Witness their journeys to greatness and the lasting impact they’ve had on boxing history. Don’t miss these incredible tales of courage, resilience, and triumph! Check out this documentary: Riddick “Big Daddy” Bowe - Julian “The Hawk“ Jackson - Ike “The President“ Ibeabuchi - Larry ““The Easton Assassin“ Holmes - Joe “Smokin“ Frazier - https://ww
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