ESTRANGER | Wings of Fire Animation Meme (Moonwatcher) REDO
So, better than last time? This is a redo of that Estranger Meme I did with Moonwatcher ten months ago. Here it is:
The animation here is highlighting some specific events. The first half of the animation is mainly about Moonwatcher’s friendship with Kinkajou (and her other friends, but mainly Kinkajou), then when they find out she can read minds. Second half is about her and Darkstalker, and when he wakes from his prison.
Made with: Firealpaca and Hitfilm Express
Audio: Jack Stauber - Estranger
Original Meme:
Art/Animation by: VioletTalon (Me)
I do not own the characters featured in this animation. All characters are from the book series, “Wings of Fire“ by Tui. T. Sutherland.
Where else to find me?
DeviantArt: VioletclawYT
DeviantArt Account Link:
Discord: VioletTalon#8792
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