#ЭлектрическийМотоцикл #ЭлектрическийСпортбайк #ЭлектрическийКруизер
Потенциально перспективный рынок экотранспорта развивается стремительными темпами, на смену байкам с классическим ДВС постепенно приходят их экологически чистые
собратья.Хотя большинству мотоциклистов это и не нравится. Предлагаю вашему вниманию обзор на электрические мотоциклы новинки 2021г.И открывает наш сегодняшний топ
испанская компания Urbet с своим электромотоциклом Nura. Urbet Nura эквивалентен типичному 125-кубовому мотоциклу.Байк комплектуется 8-киловаттным электромотором
Bosch HUB Qs и аккумулятором 7,2 кВт-ч. Максимальная скорость — 140 км/ч. Рассчитанный запас хода составляет от 190 км до 300км. Масса — 150 кг.Начальная
озвученная цена 8500$ что примерно 620 тыс.р.
Далее у нас идет электрический cafe racer — Project Zero.Мотоцикл построен на решетчатой раме из хромомолибденовой стали в которой размещена литий-никель-марганцевая
аккумуляторная батарея мощностью 8 кВт · ч, обеспечивающая запас хода в 230 км и способная получить полную мощность всего за два часа зарядки. При весе чуть менее
190 кг, Project Zero приводится в движение электродвигателем, выдающим 64 л.с. и колоссальные 649 Нм крутящего момента, что позволяет разгоняться от 0 до 60 км в час
за 2,5 секунды и развивать максимальную скорость 150 км в час.
The potentially promising ecotransport market is developing rapidly, and bikes with classic internal combustion engines are gradually being replaced by their environmentally friendly
most motorcyclists do not like it. I bring to your attention an overview of the new electric motorcycles of the
Spanish company Urbet opens our top today with its Nura electric motorcycle. The Urbet Nura is equivalent to a typical 125 cc bike is equipped with an 8-kilowatt electric motor
Bosch HUB Qs and a 7.2 kWh battery. The maximum speed is 140 km / h. The calculated power reserve is from 190 km to 300 km. Weight-150 initial
announced price is $ 8,500, which is about 620 thousand rubles.
Next we have an electric cafe racer-Project motorcycle is built on a lattice frame made of chromium-molybdenum steel in which lithium-nickel-manganese is placed
a rechargeable battery with a capacity of 8 kWh, providing a power reserve of 230 km and able to get full power in just two hours of charging. With a weight of slightly less
190 kg, Project Zero is driven by an electric motor that produces 64 hp and a whopping 649 Nm of torque, which allows you to accelerate from 0 to 60 km per hour
in 2.5 seconds and reach a maximum speed of 150 km per hour.
Arc Vector is located on the 4th place .The British motorcycle is equipped with an electric motor with a recoil of 140 hp and 397 Nm. The Arc Vector can develop 200 km/h and accelerate
to 100 km/h in 3 motor is powered by a Samsung traction battery with a capacity of 16.8 kWh, which can be charged from a fast charging station in just half an hour. According to the company,
the power reserve in the city is 322 car weighs 220 kg thanks to the carbon fiber frame and the pendulum arms of the front and rear suspension made of the same material.
However, the price is simply sky-high 90 thousand pounds, which is about 9 million rubles.
On the 3rd place is the Emula One electric sports bike, which was presented by the Italian company has everything that its rivals lack so much: noise,
vibrations, gear shifting and a non-linear power graph, like a motorcycle with an internal combustion engine.A large Emula touchscreen will allow the driver
select one of several modes of internal combustion engine emulation. Now there is a 250-cc two-stroke engine, a four-cylinder 600-ka and an 800-cc “deuce “ on the menu, but this list
it can be easily expanded, as it is not difficult to the technical characteristics, only the maximum speed of 250 km/h is known.
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