ARTURIA POLYBRUTE - Ambient Chillout Jam | Synth Demo

Arturia Polybrute ambient chillout jam, music & synth demo using a custom patch. This Arturia Polybrute ambient chillout jam uses sequencer, effects, envelopes, filters and various oscillator adjustments to create a relaxing ambient chillout soundscape. Performed live and constructed from a few sessions. Minor layering of 2-3 parts in small segments towards end of piece. The Arturia Polybrute is an exceptionally deep and versatile analog polysynth that can go from harsh to smooth and glassy with ease. In this ambient chillout jam and Arturia Polybrute synth demo I tried to showcase some of these sounds using a repeating sequencer melody. The Arturia Polybrute can do great ambient soundscapes and minor parameter adjustments can make big changes in sound and timbre. Hope you enjoy this Arturia Polybrute jam, music and demo. @arturia_official
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