Come see us on tour:
Stream “Whatcha Want” now!!!!!
Arranged by Clyde Lawrence
Directed by Gracie Lawrence & Clyde Lawrence
Director of Photography: Leo Gallagher
Edited and Colored by: Leo Gallagher
Recording Studio: Cove City Sound Studios
Engineered by John Arbuckle
Assistant Engineer: Mike Wozniak
Mixed and Mastered by Jonny Koh
Video Produced by Clyde Lawrence & Gracie Lawrence
Special thanks to Richie Cannata
Linus Lawrence @ of @thestowaways_band
Jordan Cohen @saxmachine819 of @lawrencetheband
Jon Bryant @_brotherjon
Nathan Farrell @nathan__music
Schado @schadomusic
Rebby Han @rebby_han
Veronica Stewart-Frommer @bigron of @melttheband
Sumner Becker @sumnerpardee of @lawrencetheband
Marc Langer @langermj of @lawrencetheband
Devon Yesberger @yesbergerplease
Jonny Koh @jonny_koh of @lawrencetheband