Hi guys!
How did you spend easter? As you can see - I was working hard :D But I love making new videos for my viewers and YouTube collegues.
I know, that they aren’t perfect. Maybe I’ll repair them, but not today xP I wanted them to looks like official ones, but it’s harder that I expected, so I did my best.
/Kill me for Musa
Ofcourse you can use them. I’m not sending it, because it’s too much work, but I haven’t made any watermarks, so you can download it. I believe that You’re honest, and give me credits, and write in comments if you use my works. It always make me happy :D
Thanx to all people that help me with “pre-premiere asking about opinions“ :D And thanks for all criticism, but I’m lazy person, so I didn’t use all tips you gave me xP maybe next time...
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