Join us today, as we explain the basic setup of hooking up your electronic drums sound module (Roland TD-17 in this case) to your computer / laptop to trigger Toontrack’s great sounding EZ Drummer 3 for a massive expansion of flexibility & some epic sounds 🥁💥
It really is quick & ez (haha), if you are using a Roland TD-17 / TD-27 or TD-50X module, you can even use the module for direct monitoring (“vendor mode“), without the need of an additional audio/midi interface.
The kit setup in detail:
drum-tec diabolo limited kit (grey oyster)
18“ bass drum
13“ snare drum
8“, 10“, 12“ (n
...ot used) toms
13“ floor tom
drum-tec hardware
Roland TD-17 sound module
Roland VH-10 hihat controller
2x Roland CY-14C-T crashes
Roland CY-16R-T ride
Roland CY-5 cymbal
🔥 Need help finding the right kit? Talk to us and we’ll help you:Show more