Amiga Longplay: Top Banana

WARNING! THIS GAME MAY CAUSE EYESTRAIN AND POSSIBLY BLINDNESS. Completed using infinite energy and high jumps. I wouldn’t try it without and risk seizures/brain damage/stroke, etc... Well, what do I say about this? It’s an “environmentally-friendly“ game that looks like it was made by a bunch of spaced-out people on magic mushrooms while being inspired by Rainbow Islands. Initially, it starts off as a bit of mindless fun, if you can figure out what is what from the total clusterf*** graphics. What I could make out is that you’re this little guy who looks like a doll. You have to climb the ledges up to the very top to complete the level while shooting pretty much anything that moves. One touch by any of these things will knock you down a couple of ledges. Some can’t be killed, like the acid droplets, skulls, and killer whales. Stationary things like the telephones and what looks like the pod out of 2001: A Space Odyssey can knock you down also but can be shot to give you higher jumps or better weapons. I
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