Automatic1111 and Topaz Photo: Stable Diffusion Upscale, Sharpen, Noise Removal, Lighting

Discover the art of creating visually stunning images with Stable Diffusion using Automatic1111, followed by advanced refinement techniques with Topaz Photo. This tutorial guides you through each step to transform your images from good to extraordinary. Music: Thecno3Chord - Workflow Step 1: Creating Your Starter Image Checkpoint: RealVisXL V3.0 Turbo - Positive prompt: all green, fishlike, fish-like, (Complex:1.9), (fractal, mosaic-like, furry alien female creature:1.7), (salarian skin:1.5) with a non-humanoid form on a beach. This creature is adorned with a (two-piece garment with green and blue zigzag patterns:1.6), resembling a bikini. It’s situated on the sandy shore with gentle waves in the background, under a clear blue sky. Negative prompt: human, person, woman, nipples, nipples, nipples, human, NSFW, nude, writing, letters, numbers, (disfigured:1.3
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