Phonetic - Falling

Stream or Buy: One of Viper’s most well-loved compilations is returning for the first time since 2018: The Sound of Drum & Bass 2021. Curated by Futurebound, the compilation features a plethora of the best & brightest new Drum & Bass in the game, sharing a name with the popular Spotify playlist that shines a spotlight on the best new music each week. This year’s compilation features __ brand new exclusives plus a selection of favourites from the past year, all leading to an unmissable album release. The last sampler before we release the full compilation, Phonetic’s label debut is hot on the hells of previous samplers from BLVCK CROWZ, Futurebound & BMotion, Tall Order, and SØL. Opening with enchanting, bold piano, Phonetic paints a serene image while also demonstrating his musical prowess, creating a cinematic landscape that is as stunning as it is intriguing. Soft yet exuding grandeur, the juxtaposition of such strong organic instruments against the vibrant electronic sounds tha
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