1 Minute 7 Chakra Balancing & Healing | “Boost Your Aura“ | Attract Positive Energy
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Talk about good vibes,
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528 Hz Love | Affection | Healing Frequency | Deep Healing Miracle Tone Meditation Music:
Deep Focus Music | 3 Hours Of Music For Studying And Meditation | Pomodoro | Study and Focus Timer :
Attract Love | Law of Attraction | Love Meditation | Repairs DNA & Brings Positive Transformation:
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Meditation and Healing With Eylem is a place for the open-minded, seeker and spiritualist. We are all part of something much bigger than ourselves.
The content on this channel has been created for you to connect with divine spirituality and your soul.
Have you ever faced any spiritual experience that changed your life?
On my channel you will find music and videos on meditation, healing. -Everything that is part of the mystical path-
At the same time, there will be educational videos on how to heal on this path, meditation techniques, the law of attraction, the universe, your wishes.
I believe in the power of the human spirit, I believe in you.
I would be very happy if you follow!
The video for my all subscribers enjoy the music.
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Binaural beats meditation, Binaural lucid dreams, Heal heart chakra,Brainwave meditation #shorts
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Binaural beats are a scientifically proven brain entrainment process that slowly started to gain recognition after an article called, Auditory Beats in the Brain, by Dr Gerald Oster, was published in the October 1973 edition of Scientific America.
Binaural beats in the Alpha, Theta and Delta range provide a continuous relaxed input and promote healthy rewiring through its audio neurological signal calculation. These new audio experiences in the brain trigger a burst of new connections between neurons. With repetition, these new neural pathways become fit, just like going to a gym, and it is the fittest connections in our brains that survive. The binaural beat process is faster, easier and more than just meditation. After several weeks of repeated listening the brain becomes more synchronised and starts to form permanent relaxed memories in both hemispheres.
These binaural frequencies have been used to assist lucid dreaming, altered states and out of body experiences. With extended use the pineal gland is activated and positive energy directed to the pre-frontal cortex, making binaural beats a truly powerful tool for developing higher consciousness.
The brain doesnt become dependent on binaural beats for relaxation. Over time, it actually becomes more resilient to stress. As this process continues to develop further, more binaural stimuli are received by the brain. With binaural entrainment, more traditional forms of meditation become easier to learn and implement without the many years of required practice, as done by Buddhist Monks.
HQ mp3 and Flac audio download.
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