Leaping Hare Masterclass Video Tutorial see comments for link @stabthefluff

This is the most advanced and comprehensive tutorial I have ever made! Tutorial Playlist, materials and equipment list avaialble from Also Available as Tutorial, own materials and Facebook group and one to one help if wanted. or Tutorial with Kit, Tutorial with Kit and dedicated Facebook group and one to one help if wanted - One to one help and a dedicated Facebook Group for Pintrest board, reference photos and support and problem solving. Drawing on screen shots and video chat to help if wanted. Click here for those options. Each option comes with a total of 45 bite sized videos - walking you through each bit step by step. Stop, pause, rewind and take screenshots if needed for your reference. Skills include:- Making the basic armature, Building and sculpting techniques, Assessing your style, Posing for lifelike effect Proportionality
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