The prayer of Jesus Christ that we be one with God is also a prayer that we be one with ourselves.

On the leave-taking of the Ascension, the gospel text is from the high Priestly prayer of Jesus where He prays: “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us.” We were made in order to be one with God, but we cannot be one with Him unless we also become one with ourselves: not scattered, but integrated, complete, sufficient, consistent. This is our destiny and we talk about it and then we mention a lamentable event week ago when a hierarch who should be rebuked preached in a discordant way which has nothing to do with union with God or within ourselves. If such preaching disappeared from Orthodox churches and was replaced with a call to repentance and a call to always know and struggle to fulfill our purpose, can we imagine how beautiful and powerful our lives would be? (John 17:18-26) YouTube:
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