Why I quit a high-paid job to live in a rural Tibetan village, My journey to simple life #simplelife
🌱 In today’s video, I’m gonna share with you my spiritual journey to move to a beautiful rural Tibetan village and find my dream of a simple life. In 2020, I gave up my job in London and come to a beautiful Tibetan village to re-discover the meaning of life. I want to find somewhere in which I can completely quiet my mind and release the tension. So when I first came to this village, Dzongsar, which is a remote Tibetan village that is above 3000 metres in altitude in the mountains; I immediately fell in love with it. The landscape, the traditional arts, the beautiful red houses and the various wild animals……I was totally impressed by the traditional lifestyle here - It was like a dreamland for me. I know this journey to live here is gonna be a great transformation for both my body and soul.
So, I want to share this magical journey with you. A famous Tibetan spiritual teacher once said ‘to walk slower, so that you can approach your destination faster.’ And I believe this is the very truth of our life. I hope this video will inspire you in your life. When you are maybe feeling lost, don’t just give up. Slow down your step and your life. Your path will come to you eventually.
Sending you love and light from the plateau of the Himalaya.
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0:00 introduction
0:21 my decision to leave the city
01:04 I was impressed by the Tibetan village
01:55 difficulties of life
03:09 my inspiration from the Tibetan lifestyle
04:43 the beginning of transformation
Why I quit a high-paid job to live in a rural Tibetan village, My journey to simple life #simplelife
#Tibetan #Himalaya #Tibetanvillage
#slowlife #Simpleliving #simplelife #Himalayas #Tibet #Slowliving #slowlifestyle #slowlivinglifestyle #slowlivingsilentvlog #tibetvlog #tibetanlife #slowlivingvlog #ruralslowliving #slowlifevlog #simplelivingvlog #simplelivingvideo #simplelivinglife #simplelivinginTibet #Rurallife #rurallifeinchina #rurallifeinTibet #ruralcottage #tibetanrurallife #tibetanculture #tibetanvlog #GirlsintheHimalaya
Tibetan,simple life,Tibetan village,Himalaya,slow life,Simple living,Himalayas,Tibet,Slow living,slow lifestyle,slow living lifestyle,slow living silent vlog,tibet vlog,tibetan life,slow living vlog,rural slow living,slow life vlog,simple living vlog,simple living video,simple living life,simple living in Tibet,Rural life,rural life in china,rural life in Tibet,rural cottage,tibetan rural life,tibetan culture,tibetan vlog,Girls in the Himalaya
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