Hybrid released translation (HRT) and Hybrid arrested translation (HART)
hrt and hart protein isolation
Hybrid-released translation; a method in which cloned DNA is bound to a nitrocellulose filter and hybridized with unfractionated mRNA, or even total cellular RNA. After washing the filter, any mRNA that has hybridized with the DNA is eluted and translated in a cell-free translation system, thus revealing the product that is encoded by the DNA.
HART; a method for analysing the relationship between a DNA sequence, its corresponding messenger RNA (mRNA), and the protein for which it codes, based on the observation that mRNA when hybridized with its complementary DNA is not translated in eukaryotic cell-free systems whereas heat-induced dissociation of the hybrid completely restores translational activity. The method has been used to map precisely specific protein-coding regions in restriction fragments of DNA. See also
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