One of the Highest Revelations of the Mother. To the Darshan November 242024.(read by Vera Lipen)

Read by Anya Polischuk, Sri Aurobindo Center , Los Angeles. The Darshan on November 24, 2024 November 24, 1926, is celebrated by the followers of Sri Aurobindo as “Siddhi Day,” a significant day when the descent of Krishna, the Supreme Consciousness, into matter—into Sri Aurobindo’s body—took place. Thereafter, Sri Aurobindo withdrew into seclusion, devoting himself fully to active spiritual practice for the transformation of the earth. The same year, the Mother organized an Ashram out of the existing group of followers, officially giving it the name “Sri Aurobindo’s Ashram.” She organized and directed everything, translating Sri Aurobindo’s realizations into concrete, material forms on the Earth. And all that she acquired in this way, she transmitted, as much as possible, to that group, which she adopted as her inner and outer laboratory. The Mother is the Divine Mother of the manifested universe, and everything is in Her! This is what Sri Aurobindo used to say about the Mother to his followers. Dedication to the Darshan on November 24. 2024. Extract from the conversation of Mona Sarkar with the Mother. One of the Highest Revelations of the Mother. My child, I am the Unknown that is unseizable, yet I consent to be seized; I am the Unknowable, yet men pretend to know me. I am the Infinite but I am constrained to limit myself in a physical body by time and space. I am the Eternal who has submitted itself to be bound in the evolution. I am Immortality which awakes in its innumerable aspects that perish, in order to climb back towards the One, and which has consented to a birth, in order to suffer the terrestrial consequences. I am the Nihil where everything disappears; the Inconscience that denies my presence, yet each atom of this mass of ignorance palpitates with my consciousness. I am the Mystery – the great paradox which has begun to unveil the innate secrets of this divine manifestation in the terrestrial and cosmic evolution. By the fact of this immense descent of the Supramental upon earth, we foresee the gradual dissolution of the duality, the contradictions and many other things which trouble ordinary men. My child, I am the Cause, the great Creatrix from whom everything emanates. All that you can conceive of is created from me, by me and for me it exists. Nothing is which is not in me. You understand, it will take you hundreds of births to understand what I am. And yet I reveal myself to my devotees who love me; and still I shall remain unseizable. The Mother. (From Invocation 13, 2001г.)
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