Porcellio laevis Isopod Care Guide

Porcellio laevis isopods, such as Porcellio laevis Dairy Cow, Porcellio laevis Milkback, Porcellio laevis Orange, and Porcellio laevis How Now, and Porcellio laevis California Mix, are some of the best pet isopods, amd best pet invertebrates available. However, there are pros and cons to Porcellio laevis. We’ll talk about species of isopod with respect to care, housing, Bioactive enclosures, and keeping them as pets/hobby animals. Thanks to Kyle at for letting me use the picture of his Porcellio laevis ‘How Now’. /Links to isopod supplies: Here is a link to the Kathy Auto Magic Fungus gnat trap. It also works for other pest insects, such as fruit flies and mosquitoes! #ad Check out these LINKS to Isopod foods and supplies below. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. #ad here is a link to the Fungus Gnat trap I tested in this video: #ad I use this breathable medical tape to cov
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