Forgive The Illuminati. Let go and remember Christ Consciousness.

Behind this video... I made this video for the people who are ready to hear it. I have been on many different paths leading to ascension. I’ve noticed that most people have bits and pieces of the whole perception of what’s going on here in this reality. There are your David Icke fans who support the idea of the reptilians, the government being corrupt and the limited consciousness they keep us in, and most of those people are very angry about this information. Then you have the Eckheart Tolle followers, who don’t really focus on the negative side of things, which is great, but they don’t know the larger story of what’s happening in this matrix, and not having an intellectual understanding of what’s going on, makes it harder for people to truly master this reality (ascend into higher dimensions of consciousness). What has worked for me, is delving into the intellectual understanding and the spiritual understanding of this reality. This video advises how to work with the oppositi
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