›› Details
Rinne Version, screen was hella bright as my chalk. also WHERE THUMBNAIL
- 7767
- Setup: Mikazuki Rinne
- Models: TDA Summer Memories Hatsune Miku ›› TDA, SEGA, CrazyMoonChan, RurIRurI29, yamisame, brausshows
- Motion: SEGA, Seto
- Places/Stage: blend_901@niko
- Accessory/Others: TRACKDANCER (VMD Analyzer/Spectrum)
- Music: kz(livetune) - Catch The Wave
- Raycast ( Rui )
- Raycast Materials ( freakyforms955, CherryBlossom, Dendewa )
- A-Screen ( tktk )
- KiraKiraColours ( Beamman, SpakaFord1 )
- IkClut ( Ikeno, RC, Dendewa )
- KiraKira ( Beamman, chestnutscoop )
- IkSwe
...at ( Ikeno )
- MotionBlur ( Sovoro )
All Respective Credits Goes to the respective owners including Bandai Namco, Hoyoverse and other listed creators.
›› Unauthorized copy of video will instantly generate strikes.
Note: if you spot any missing credits / invalid credits please do tell me. ASAP.
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