It will be fine - French Revolutionary song

“Ah! ça ira“ is one of the most famous songs of the Great French Revolution; before the appearance of the Marseillaise, it was the unofficial anthem of revolutionary France. It originated in the summer of 1790 in the days of preparation for the holiday dedicated to the anniversary of the Bastille. The author of the original words Ladré is a former soldier who earned his living as a street singer. The music is a popular counter-dance called “Le Carillon national“, which was written by violinist Bécourt, who worked at the Beaujolais Theater. Queen Marie Antoinette herself is said to have often played this melody on her harpsichord. The motif soon became very popular among the French people. The song spread in the summer of 1790 in the days of preparation for the holiday dedicated to the anniversary of the Bastille.
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